Data Visualizations

Data driven decision making has become standard lexicon in the modern economy.  Entire industries have been built on the backbone of portfolio, customer, and transactional data – to name a few.  While companies have never been better at capturing critical data to influence their business, they are still using antiquated, two-dimensional methods to present that data to key customers, investors, and stakeholders.  At the very moment you need the story behind your data to ring clearly and effectively – it falls flat; likely because:

  • Your message gets lost in an endless stack of charts and graphs that loses an audience’s attention
  • Any nuance or critical analysis offered by your data needs to be watered down to fit into a few concise bullet points on a presentation slide
  • Your audience lacks an ability to interact with your data presentation firsthand, and becomes confused or disengaged

How We Help You Communicate Your Data

Enter Get Real.  We are skilled in helping clients present their data using immersive 3Dimensional technology.  We focus on understanding the story our clients are trying to tell with their data and helping them communicate it to the world using mobile phones, tablets, Zoom presentations, augmented reality glasses, and virtual reality headsets.

If your business relies on communicating the efficacy of your data-driven insights – speak with Get Real to learn more about how you can use data visualization technology to increase your revenues and stand out amongst your peers.

Experience Your Data


While early efforts in VR focused on gaming, in recent years business and enterprise have begun to compete for center stage. The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting decrease in business travel have intensified the felt need for people to connect with their colleagues and their clients. While the immediate reaction was to turn to Zoom and other video-conferencing technologies to help address that need, many are finding it exhausting, distracting, and ultimately nowhere near as productive as meeting in person.
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