Visualizations & Storytelling
One of the most important skills required of a business or not-for-profit leader is the ability to tell the story of their organization or an action plan in an effective way. How do you reach potential customers with the effectiveness of your products or services? How do you get donors to feel empathy for the people or cause you are advocating? How do you get clients to understand the strategic importance of what you are telling them? Get Real can deliver customized content and audience experiences using current immersive technologies to connect with your audience by making them part of the story you want to tell.
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Data Visualization
If you’re frustrated that your PowerPoint® presentations lack the impact they once had and wish your data could “jump off the page” to help you tell a story, Get Real can help. We have experience using VR and AR not just to visualize data, but also to make the numbers and facts come alive so that presentations are vivid and memorable. Using VR to present portfolio analysis, brand recognition and market research results, sales data, and employee performance metrics allow an audience to gain new insights not readily recognized on a 2-D computer screen. Moreover, VR allows people to interact with the data, ask questions of one another about the data, and get to a common place of understanding quickly. The evidence is clear: what people experience in VR is more readily retained than in traditional forms of learning.
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360 / 3D Immersive Storytelling for Enterprise
How can your Human Resources team stand out as a competitive edge for your firm? What do you want your employees to know when they join your company? How can you replicate an experience where new members of your firm can interact directly with key leaders, regardless of their physical location or company size? How can you source talent across the globe and give them a real sense of what working at your organization is like? Get Real can work with your team to create customized Virtual Reality and 360/3D video experiences that enhance recruiting, new employee orientation, and any other corporate communications to be both relatable and memorable for people as they consider joining your firm. Get Real gives you the ability to put recruits “inside” your business or institution before they physically start or even interview!
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360 / 3D Immersive Storytelling for Not for Profits
Virtual and Augmented Reality is an innovative and memorable way to connect with your stakeholders and donors. Standing out in the constant competition for attention and funding in a world filled with worthy causes can be daunting for any organization. Our founders’ experience on boards of foundations and not-for-profits helps us understand some of the challenges that you may be facing. Immersive Storytelling and 360/3D Video content can be particularly effective in evoking an emotional response from those within your broader community, which may move them to action: to contribute, to volunteer, to get involved. Our network of preferred providers includes original content creators who will help you tell your story in a way that will evoke just the right response.
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Customized Visualizations
Are you trying to share with prospective clients and investors the dream of owning a one-of-a-kind collector’s item? Do you want to highlight the experience of a unique destination for a family trip? Do your investors need to envision the size and scope of a one-of-a-kind destination property before they commit? Or the possibility of investing in a one-of-a-kind destination property? VR/AR helps others imagine what you already can see. Get Real leverages the sophistication of the most advanced computer gaming development environments. Our network of external partners includes those who can help create compelling life-like renderings and animations that one would be hard-pressed to distinguish from the real thing. Unique projects demand unique methods to convey the potential of your vision and VR/AR is the ideal medium to turn your ideas into reality.
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While early efforts in VR focused on gaming, in recent years business and enterprise have begun to compete for center stage. The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting decrease in business travel have intensified the felt need for people to connect with their colleagues and their clients. While the immediate reaction was to turn to Zoom and other video-conferencing technologies to help address that need, many are finding it exhausting, distracting, and ultimately nowhere near as productive as meeting in person.
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